Introducing Jiddu Krishnamurti…Finally!


A lot of what I share is simply so that I can hear it again rephrased so I can understand it. Actually most of it, really. But I share also to bring you along with me in my quest for the good life. Without introduction, I’ve often shared the words and thoughts of Jiddu Krishnamurti. His words are just simply too concise and thought-provoking not to share with the philosophical journeyman. I give no apology for not introducing Jiddu Krishnamurti the man, before I’ve introduced his thoughts, since his logic stands on its own. However, I have been meaning to do a little background.

So here goes… Continue reading

Purpose and Pleasure


horse-1617859_1280“Everything exists for some end, a horse, a vine. Why do you wonder? Even the sun will say, I am for some purpose, and the rest of the gods will say the same. For what purpose then are you? To enjoy pleasure? See if common sense allows this.”

Marcus Aurelius — Meditations Book 8

Why not post after, oh, about a year…or more really? Today, I really need it so here goes.

Is pleasure to be pursued? Does it bring happiness, or is it just a drug, something that you need more of? Continue reading

Update on Me


The only thing you can control, which is your own perception and attitude (very stoic, BTW). While I was fairly happy before, I very recently had an “A-ha moment” of realization that happiness is about deciding to be happy. Years of meditation/philosophy led me to it, but it doesn’t have to be that way, I was just ready when I was ready, I guess. Not tomorrow, not when I get a raise, not when I’m out of debt, not in Hawaii, not flying, not when I get a favorite meal, or when any other needs are satisfied, right NOW. And now I see and feel the dance every day.

Happiness is Not Being Surprised


“How ridiculous and what a stranger he is who is surprised at anything which happens in life.” Marcus Aurelius Meditations Book 12

I think once you fully accept the concept of never being surprised by anything in life, the happier you’ll be.  No matter how ridiculous or egregious, it’s probably happened before and it will happen again.  This ranges from all kinds rudeness, violence, abuse, lying, etc.  Also included are personal tragedies, loss, failures.

Chances are, she'll lose the ring at some point.  Hope she isn't surprised.

Chances are, she’ll lose the ring at some point. Hope she isn’t surprised.

Certainly there are things that could pleasantly surprise us as well, but again, these events are part of the rise and fall of life.

Never be surprised.