Take a Breath, Reflect


“Adorn thyself with simplicity and modesty and with indifference towards the things which lie between virtue and vice. Love mankind. Follow God.” –Marcus’ Meditations Book 7

In this case, Marcus Aurelius wants to stress to himself that to be simple and modest is best.  As for the things which “lie between virtue and vice,” maybe we really don’t know it all.  Maybe we don’t know the answer.  We all have our judgments of right and wrong, but maybe we should stop judging, at least a little bit.  Sometimes, we might just be better to just breathe…to just “be.”  Don’t judge, like we always do as humans…just exist, take a breath, take several breaths.  Be like the stone at the bottom of the river and let the water flow over you, and just be there and exist…not judging.

Take some time, and just be.

Take some time, and just be.

When you’ve mastered that, then love everything around you (especially “mankind”).  Sometimes this is hard to do, no?  ALL of mankind?  Really, really try.  Don’t hold back.  Love all of mankind.  All that is happening now, is meant to happen.  The good, the bad, and the ugly.  It is all under the auspices of the cosmos, our divine existence.

Young or old...

Young or old…

Be good to yourself, be good to those close, be good to those beyond (me, we, they…).

2 thoughts on “Take a Breath, Reflect

  1. ahh,me ,we and they,I came to the party and I stayed with them ( we ) and then they all went home—dadaaaaa actuall I thought I was gonna die yesterday ,They dr put stroke on my discharge papers ,I was in the E.R.but released on my own regonison (

    • continue?? I would lie low for a day or 2 and go see a nulologist and cadoloolgist in case a clot is floating around ) but my daughter left 3 $12.00 corned beef briskets on the counter all night ,every dish in the house is dirty and my husnand toe is much worse ,while they, hem and haw over at the VA ,deciding when to remove his toe ,it is gonna fall off by itself,a VERY FRUSTRATING WEEK,THEY HAVE THE GALL TO SAY NOTHING IS WRONG WITH MY HUSBAND BUT HE HAD TO HAVE 2 TRANSFUSIONS AND THE TOE SHOWED THE INFECTION SPREAD TO THE BONE ,BUT THEY WANT TO SEND HIM TO LODGING ,LAST WEEK THEY WANTED HIM ON HOSPICE ,,,ACKKKKKKKKKK ( SCREAM ) and aparently I did just that 1/2 way through my triage ,caps lock fell off

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